Исследовательский проект “Promoting Kazakh traditions in the English Language through comics”

Научная статья

Автор: Балмуханова Акмарал, Мухашева Аружан

Место работы/учебы: Назарбаев Интеллектуальная школа, г. Актобе, Казахстан, 10 класс

Научный руководитель: Утеулина Акмарал Айтбаевна, учитель английского языка


The 21st century is a visual world with visual culture, but it also requires high levels of reading competency. Comics, as sequential art, are a pictorial representation of a narrative. Comic art combines printed words and pictures in a unique way. Many literacy skills are required, including the ability to understand a sequence of events, to interpret the characters’ nonverbal gestures, to discern the story’s plot and to make inferences. The questions to be answered are what the common ways of popularizing culture are, and whether traditions and comics can convey important ideas.

The research objectives of this study are to study how countries publicize their culture and traditions, explore the world of comics and create comics with content telling about Kazakh traditions.


No doubt that it is essential to preserve one’s culture and traditions, especially in this technology-driven world. Some ways of doing this are still relevant. Films and series are watched by huge audience, the development of streaming services made it more significant. Alongside with movies, manga and comics are still appealing, especially for the younger generation.
Comics with Kazakh content can help promote Kazakh culture and traditions to a wider audience.

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Автор предпочел не показывать работу на сайте.

Дата публикации работы: 27.04.2022

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III Международная on-line конференция школьников “SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE”, 2021/2022

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