Исследовательская работа “From history pages of my settlement”

Исследовательская работа

Автор: Апаев Арсений

Место работы/учебы: МБОУ "Шеморданский лицей "Рост", Республика Татарстан, 4 класс

Научный руководитель: Каримуллина Резеда Шаукатовна, учитель английского языка


I live in Shemordan. I was born in this settlement and I go to school here. My family and my friends also live here. I like my homeland very much and I would not like to live in any other country.  As the saying goes: “East, West, home’s best”. My settlement is old and modern at the same time

It`s your native home place, the land, where you were born, whose beauty you imbibed with your mother`s milk. One of such place is my native settlement.  It is Shemordan.

The old generation dies and carries away the whole culture of the small people. Finally language, culture of whole nation can disappear. I think it is necessary to study the history of the village. This problem is very important. It is very interesting to see the past of the village, to look through pages of its history, to know the biography of countrymen.

The aim of this work is explore and tell the history of their native village.

Object of research — the settlement of Shemordan and the lives of its people.

Subject of research is the history of the settlement of Shemordan, its development, attractions and culture,

Objectives of the work:

  • explore the history of their native settlement;
  • get acquainted with the peculiarities of the geographical of Shemordan;
  • collect local history material about people of his native village;
  • learn about the attractions;
  • activate the search and research activities;
  • draw the attention of the guys in the history of his native land.

To achieve this goal and meet the challenges, the work was carried out in the following main directions:

  • familiarity with materials of the school Museum;
  • explore publishing periodical press about the Settlement;
  • find and process information about the village on the Internet;
  • explore information about the village and its attractions in the scientific literature;
  • meeting with old-timers and villagers.

History of the settlement should know because we were born here and live our life is connected with this beautiful place. I would like to believe that it will study our children and grandchildren-successors of the history of our region.

I think that this work will help us better understand who we are, where enrich us morally and spiritually. And domestic, in the future, there is still a lot of work to do to continue the study of the history of the republic.


My native land is Shemordan. And my parents and grandparents always lived here. I think that people living in Shemordan are somehow generations of Tatar people. So that we live friendly with each other, love our homeland, to love the Earth, so that I have written about the beauty of my native country. Our grandparents could keep our nature country for us, the children, the wonderful beauty of our land. I understand that we are the children, and we can keep the native country beautiful and wonderful for our children and future generations.
Now I ‘m proud that I know the village history well. I’m sure I can help everybody who will be interested in history of my village. Today’s my duty is to remember all these information and retell about it to young generation.
When people love the native land, they know it’s history. Therefore there was an idea of creative work on studying of history and development of my village, Shemordan.

Содержание работы

Автор предпочел не показывать работу на сайте.

Дата публикации работы: 04.02.2021

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II Международная on-line конференция школьников «Science knowledge», 2020/2021

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