Research project “University Application” (“UniApp”)

Прикладной проект

Автор: Алия Садибекава

Место работы/учебы: St. John’s Ravenscourt School, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, 11 класс

Научный руководитель: Баишева Бахыт, ментор по проектам


I propose the “University Application” (“UniApp”) mobile application. It will provide students all information about standardized tests and other requirements and become a personal planner for each student on their way to university. In this app, students will learn about their first choice country requirements, find preparation courses in their city, and buy or sell test and examination preparation books.


There are a lot of similar planners, especially in the USA. For example, planner on the Khan Academy. However, these apps and websites are hardly applicable for the local education system; average students in public schools will not use them because of the specific differences between countries and criteria.
There is no college or university preparation planner as a mobile app on the market, which means that “UniApp” will be the first localized digital planner for school students. We will provide localized information about admissions to different countries.
I made the full business plan for my educational startup.

Содержание работы

Автор предпочел не показывать работу на сайте.

Дата публикации работы: 06.07.2021

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