Project “Neologisms in modern English”
Автор: Гарипова Анжелика, Иванова Диана
Место работы/учебы: МАОУ "Лицей "Звезда", г. Саратов, 8 класс
Научный руководитель: Кирсанова Ирина Михайловна, учитель английского языка
A large number of scientific papers are devoted to the study of neologisms. And the specifics of the topic are incredibly relevant.
We believe that it is very important to know and understand new words and phrases that appear in the language.
The purpose of our work is to study the top popular neologisms.
We formulated the objectives of the study as follows:
- To define the concept and the term neologism.
- To study the mechanisms of neologisms formation.
- To classify the listed neologisms based on types of word formation.
- То create a dictionary of popular neologisms.
Based on the above we came to the conclusion that a neologism is a new word, linguistic innovation (figure of speech), the grammatical feature appearing in the language.
As a rule, new words appear based on already existing words and morphemes. The analysis of these words and morphemes can help the translator to understand the meaning of neologism.
A large number of new lexical units appeared in connection with the development of computer technology.
We believe it is very important to monitor the appearance of new words in the language. You should always be in the trend.
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Дата публикации работы: 25.10.2021
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