Исследовательская работа «Какой предлог выбрать? Сравнительно-сопоставительный анализ английских предлогов at, in, on и русского предлога в»


Автор: Шайдуллин Алан Ильнарович

Место работы/учебы: МАОУ СОШ №3, г. Туймазы, Республика Башкортостан, 6 класс

Научный руководитель: Яушева Эльза Ануаровна, учитель английского языка


English has achieved international recognition due to the globalization. Most students should be fluent in writing and speaking English. To use English effectively, it is important to master four types of speech activities: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (LSRW). Of all four linguistic activities, writing is a complex process and the most significant skill for a second language learner. The ability to communicate effectively over a global network is highly dependent on writing and speaking skills.

Many of those who study English have ever wondered what preposition to use in a particular case. The topic of prepositions causes some difficulties, because this part of speech is not always accord with the use of similar prepositions in Russian.

We improve our knowledge of prepositions throughout the entire period of studying the English language. An incorrectly chosen preposition not only may not convey the essence of the statement, but also convey the opposite meaning of the statement. Therefore, such a section as prepositions in the grammar of the English language should be revising in detail.

This research is devoted to the study of the combinatory possibilities of the prepositions at, in, on in English and Russian.

The purpose of this study is to identify the features of the correspondence between the English prepositions at, in, on and the Russian preposition в.

The stated purpose identified the following tasks:

  1. Describe the prepositions at, in, on.
  2. Describe the rules for their use.
  3. Consider the semantic connections of the combination of prepositions in English and Russian.

Object of the research: vocabulary of the English and Russian languages.

The subject of the research is the lexical meaning of the prepositions at, in, on in the English language and the preposition в in the Russian language.

This work has a practical character as caused by the difficulty of using the necessary preposition in writing and in oral speech.

The practical value of my work lies in the possibility of using the material and results of the research in the lessons of the English and Russian languages, as well as in the further research of the Russian and English vocabulary.

For the research on the topic, such sources were studied as Longman Exams Dictionary, Ozhegov Dictionary, «Practical English Grammar» by Katchalova, Izrailevich, and «English Grammar in Use» by R. Murphy.

We used the following research methods: observation, comparison, analysis.


Having examined and analyzed the polysemy and generality of prepositions in English, we can conclude that the semantic structure of many prepositions cannot be adequately expressed by one generalized meaning. The research proves that a number of prepositions have ambiguity, while there is a transition from spatial values to temporal and further to more abstract ones. In addition, there is polysemy also within certain types of meanings, for example, spatial ones, when the same preposition introduces different types of space and establishes a different nature of relations.
The comparative analysis of the Russian preposition в and English prepositions at, in, on presented the most vivid picture of the polysemantic nature of both Russian and English prepositions. As the analysis has shown, not a single preposition has an unambiguous meaning, a preposition conveys several meanings and each meaning has its own semantics.
The choice of prepositions in, at, on is justified by the fact that they cause the greatest difficulty in using in English, so how they are often confused and misused. However, it is very important to learn how to use and understand the combinatory possibilities of these prepositions both in Russian and in English. The meaning of the whole sentence will change depending on which preposition you have chosen.
In conclusion, I would like to note the following: the use of prepositions in English can be called as the kind of "science", as we improve our knowledge using the prepositions throughout the entire period of learning English.

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Дата публикации работы: 24.12.2021

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III Международная on-line конференция школьников «SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE», 2021/2022

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