Проект «Introducing recycling into the life of a modern person»

социальный проект

Автор: Меркулова Полина Алексеевна

Место работы/учебы: Школа № 1529 имени А.С. Грибоедова, г. Москва, 10 класс

Научный руководитель: Кикалишвили Катеван Константитовна, учитель английского


 The purpose of this project is to familiarize Moscow residents with the concept of recycling. Nowadays sorting and recycling are among the main problems the city is facing. Despite the willingness of the community to solve them, a significant number of children and adults know nothing about up-cycling and recycling.

The choice of this topic was motivated by the concerns for environmental issue. It bothers me that every day each one of us throws away a lot of garbage, but so little is done to help our planet stay clean. I want to tell the wider public that recycling is not as difficult as it seems. Everyone can start helping their city right at this very moment.

Therefore, the main tasks of this project are as follows:

  1. Find the most effective and easiest way to adopt recycling at home.
  2. Create a bulletin with recycling tips and sorting rules.
  3. Promote the idea of recycling among Moscow residents.

In order to accomplish these tasks, l have used such methods as:

  • observation;
  • descriptio;
  • comparison;
  • illustration.

The research has been conducted in three consequent steps:

  1. Research on the recycling problem on the internet and in the scientific papers.
  2. Experimental attempts to sort waste on my own.
  3. Visits to exhibitions and consultations with recycling experts.


Practical effect of the research lies in shedding light on the waste problem in Moscow. Based on the comparison with the situation in other countries this work aims at answering some of the questions arising from the heated debates. Does it make sense to save our planet and city from garbage? Should we sort and recycle waste? Or… is it completely useless?


I conducted a survey among both strangers and acquaintances. The results of this study are quite depressing. It turned out that no matter how old the respondent is the most frequent answer to the “What is recycling?” question is “I don’t know anything about recycling”. It can be explained by the fact that the topic of garbage processing has not gained enough momentum in Russia. A comparatively tiny percentage of people surveyed are interested in the topic. In my opinion, the most promising age group is the one in between 10 and 20 years old. Half of the responders displayed interest in recycling and waste processing. This means that we can truly have an exciting future full of far-reaching projects and ideas! We, activists, can spread awareness and draw general public attention to the issue and help the planet together.
The most important conclusion I have drawn upon completing this stage of my work is that in Russia this topic is crucial but evidently not widely spoken enough yet. There are also many fake eco-friendly products on the market due to the limited supply and significant demand, which is obviously very profitable, so one of our goals is to assist the government in locating unfair market players as well. Here is the task for every caring person: raise as much awareness as possible and let those around you follow your own inspiring example, because sorting plastic, paper and batteries is not as difficult as it seems and is much more promising than you can imagine.

Содержание работы

Автор предпочел не показывать работу на сайте.

Дата публикации работы: 28.02.2022

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